Hillary Clinton answered the question that everyone was waiting from 2008, where she lost to Barack Obama in the Democratic race for the Presidency. The news was confirmed by her long-time campaign manager, John Podesta, who wrote: “Its official – Hilary is running for President.”
Who is Hillary Clinton, Hillary Diane Rodham was born in October 1947 in Chicago. She graduated from Wesley College, and Yale university law school, where she met Bill. The two married in 1975 and lived in Arkansas – where Bill Clinton became governor. Hilary Clinton, then went on to live in the White House for eight years from 1993 and 2001, while Bill Clinton was President, and served as a senator and a Secretary of State. All these years of experience will stand her in good stead for the grueling campaign season ahead.
Why her? For many, Hilary also represents hope, the hope of the first woman president, just like Obama was that hope as first black President in the U.S. Besides, the Clintons are a household name for their personality, charisma, and representation in leadership at the highest level.
One to never to shy away from huddles, as a teenager, Hilary wrote to NASA asking how she could become an astronaut, and she received a reply saying she couldn’t, because she was a woman. But from now on huddles are going to be massive; Republican are going to corner her on Monica sex scandal, her fainting due to dehydrating stomach virus in 2013, the Benghazi massacre termed as a security failure and the controversy over her personal emails.
From here on in, Hillary has to tread a thin rope and find her legacy, as Republican will be laying tarps for her to fall. How she handles Russia and North Korea? Just a-few of the prominent issues faced by America. She will need a strong campaign team, which will handle substance cleverly and do damage controls diligently, along with paint an image of her that Americans can trust
Hilary Clinton’s tenacious abilities are for all to see but she needs to plant an image of her in the mind of the average American that she will fight for them and solve their problems. She did receive a boost from Barack Obama on the eve of her announcement; he told reporters he thinks Clinton “would be an excellent president.”


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