Light as a feature he flew through the air. Distant sparkling lights mesmerized him and he got glued to the artistic play of light. Everything happened at a slow pace, and he felt godly as he was defying the laws of physics. He cherished the sensation and geed the moment on to last till eternity; a blissful smile originated on his face. He knew he was living a dream but willed it to be true; then the expression on his face changed to that of surprise as he felt his body pulled down by an invisible force; a jolt shook his whole body as he fell hard to the ground with a thud.
He heard cars screeched to a stop and a cacophony of human voices. A pungent smell violated his nostrils and as a reflex action he covered his nose but nothing happened, the smell was persistent. Nothing was visible his mind was cluttered so he collected his thoughts and forced himself to look; a strange array of colours appeared in-front of him. He deduced, I am in dream. He waited for dream to end and reality to take over. He waited and waited, still nothing happened.
He once again forced himself to think clearly and felt his vision returning. Then he came face to face with the most astonishing view, his body covered in blood sprawled on the ground in an awkward position. He wished to wake from his slumber but couldn’t; looked around the place and understood that he was in a ditch, which explains the smell. In the panic ridden state he observed a small puddle of water and went to wash his sleep away. No matter how much he tried water never cupped in his hands and his fear became a reality when on close inspection he couldn’t see his reflection in the water. It became clear to him that he was dead for real.
Instead of lamenting he felt free of the worldly bounds, no obligations, no demands, no responsibility. Death which should have been a sad occurrence for him felt like a blessing. He became happy and relieved as a large load had been lifted from his shoulder. In his exuberance willed himself upwards and flew over the iconic Marine drive that was glittered in the night sky. He had come to Mumbai for a job interview and was enjoying himself before this incident happened, what the hell.
He hovered over the Taj hotel and sat atop the Gate way of India and contemplated all things he wished to do, which will make him happy, before these godly powers would be taken away from him. Once finalizing the ‘to do list’ he flew over the Marine drive again. He watched as some ambulances were stationed at the far end of the road where medical teams were attending to the injured. Least bothered about that he flew over and went on to fulfill his cherished dreams and risque fantasies.
From there he went to watch his favorite heroine take shower, saw his favourite cricketer enjoy dinner with his family, he went to the best pubs and discotheques where he watched youngsters dancing and enjoying life under the influence of smoke and alcohol. He saw couples making out in the dingy corner of the city and saw families in love as well as families fighting. He had seen opulence and poverty. He had seen all he had set out to see and more but felt hollowness inside, I was wrong, these things can’t guarantee happiness.  
He went over to the spot where he had fallen and saw his body lay unattended, why no one is bothered about me? And he screamed his heart out but no sound was heard. In agony he soared in the sky, one could see his tears if he had a face. He watched his parents sleeping peaceful on their bed, what will happen to them when they get the news. In anger he went to the one person who could give him answers.
He was stopped at the gate, “where are you going?” a voice asked. He followed the sound, “can you see me?” The voice laughed, “I also know the reason of your visit” voice said. ‘Then let me pass” he said. “See the line over there” the voice said “All these have come to see Him; welcome to heaven” the voice added.


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