closed his eyes to calm the whirlpool of thoughts brewing inside his brain that
resisted his peace. The deliberation had scared him so deeply that if true
would shake the very foundation of his existence. He eased his back and rested
his head on the head-rest. Opening the drawer he took out a strip of aspirin, popped
a tablet in the mouth and flushed it down with water. He had completed lawyer’s
duties to the best of his abilities; presented his argument and submitted the
proofs to the court there was nothing more he could do other than wait for the honorable judge to present his verdict.
tapping his fingers on the office table his mind transported him back to the
day when Mr Rameshwar Saran first came to his office. His first intention was
to decline taking up the case but what prompted him in accepting it was the humility
and humbleness of the man. If you won’t
then who will help us, these words stuck so deep that he decided to take up
the case in a heartbeat; that happened six months ago.
Saran, the son of a labourer got hooked on studies from an early age and
despite the monetary constraints completed his B. Ed by taken loans and working
twice or thrice a day; but all this was behind him and had got his first
posting at Basholi, a village in Jammu and Kashmir, government school. The news
caused frenzy among his locality; Saran home became the center of celebration
and Rameshwar an idol, be like Rameshwar, neighbors kept reminding their children. On the day of the departure Rameshwar
was garlanded and taken to the bus stop on a horse; a great honour among his
people; tears rolled down Rameshwar’s cheeks and choked his throat as he
narrated the story.
with the story Rameshwar explained how on reaching Basholi he was shocked to
find out that an impostor had forged fake documents to not only pass himself as
Rameshwar Saran but had also taken his job as the teacher in the government
school. He pleaded his case but all fell on deaf ears, from the impostor to the
employees at the educational board none gave him a second look on the contrary
he was treated as a rodent that needed to be exterminated. So, as last resort
he knocked at the door of justice, not
just for himself but for others like him to continue to hope, he concluded
his story by a humble namaste.
lawyer was brought back to reality by the buzz of his land line, “hello” he
said. The voice said,”Sir, we are ready in five minutes”. He looked around and
saw himself sitting in his chamber, “Ok” he said. Placing the receiver down he
assembled his files and placed it a big folder titled Rameshwar Saran vs. State, and left the room.
judge asked the impostor to solve an algebra problem of fifth standard and
write an essay on the cow, and gave him half an hour to compete the test. This
news of the test had raised the curiosity among the people, so when the court
reopened after the break, a throng of people had gathered to view the
spectacle. A page was presented to the judge, he examined it and looked at the
impostor, “Is this yours?” judge said. The impostor nodded in affirmation. “You
call yourself a teacher?” Pointing a finger at the impostor judge said, “You
can’t even write an essay on cow” the judge added. A wave of laughter could be
heard both from inside and outside the court, only two persons were not
smiling, one Rameshwar Saran and the other was the lawyer.
lawyer thought, “His trust in the system is restored.”
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