Son, I want to make it clear in the very beginning that when your eyes fall on the following words; which portrays my soul in its truest nature without the weak and inept veil of morality, and the powerful will of mine that leaps through these pages will surely cause compassion to rise in your heart towards me – don’t, I am not after your empathy. My sole reason of writing this is that, going through this someday may give you a different perspective towards life. Sitting under a tree for no apparent reason, playing alone or with friends and doing whatever my heart cherished without any worry about consequences or time, how content I was. Society doesn’t have any right to take those happy moments away from me, but it did. If society had stopped there, I could have somehow made my heart understand. But no, isn’t society expert at destroying things in totality and that to with the carefreeness of an absent minded man, who in his forgetfulness walks over a newly born plant cru...