Thinking is my way of dispelling boredom, as it provides an avenue for expressing the most intimate feelings; which are not always pleasant. Anyway who has control over their thinking? Heard very few people have control over their thinking, sadly I don't belong to that esteem club. Although one aspect about thinking - whenever one concentrates on them one always find them flying about, but with no logical pattern attached to them, is the most prominent reason why I like to think - thinking transports me to a world where reality and fantasy merge, resulting into the birth of a new reality that is; maybe, morphed on the actual happenings of the past. As I flip-flop among continuous churning thoughts, I single out and concentrate on a particular situation that happened some years ago. I was involved in my favorite hobby, mind exercise - to pass the boredom. Actually had it been time which was equated to money then I would have been a millionaire many times over, sadly wo...