Nobody knew he should not have gone, but he did, grinding his teeth at the thought he looked at the road from the passenger seat of the taxi. He knew he was not being cynical as it was all too apparent in the way everyone behaved; their pretentious happiness and being extra sweet to one another. It became obvious to the writer in him who delved into human emotions on daily basis. He took out a cigarette from the pack, lit it and took a long drag. Nobody inhaled deeply letting the nicotine traverse the length and breadth of the body. The relief was instantaneous, relieving him from the heaviness he felt ever since returning from the get together. Nobody left the taxi at the market, walked up to the liquor store and purchased his regular bottle of whisky along with a few eatables to go with it. On the walk back to his house he got recognizable glances from the passer-bys; being a resident of the locality, which he consciously tried to avoid. Reaching his house, he open...