He a boy of fifteen parted the curtains of his bathroom room window, and looked at the park below. Tweaking the light moustache, which signalled that he was on the threshold of adulthood, he gazed intently at the right cornered benche where three girls were engrossed in chatting, ignoring the other two he concentrated on bob cut haired girl sitting in the centre, Pallavi , his love. He was in the process of capturing her beauty with his eyes, “son, the milk is ready.” The sudden voice of his mother broke the hypnotic spell, and he jumped with a start very much similar to that of a thief when caught in the act of stealing. It took a few deep breaths to calm his agitated state of mind. When his heart beat got back to normal, he was on his feet and ready to do his mother’s bidding, but love overcame - and he paused to have a final look at Pallavi before parting. What he noticed took his breath away; Pallavi was looking directly in his direction. He quickly removed his lanky frame fr...